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Earth Album 2011

Earth Album 2011

This album was inspired by two concurrent influences in 2011.  Firstly my wife and I experienced a memorable adventure trip through various parts of Malaysia including both cities and countryside. Secondly, on our return it was my birthday. My family knew I was wanting to dabble in music composition and I needed some tools - so they bought me an Apple MacPro. Best birthday present ever! 


The Earth Album is the result of my experiments with Garageband on the Mac.   I had to learn to use the provided loops, be able to input my own loops and themes from an electronic keyboard (which I bought to add to the armoury), apply the Symphony Orchestra sound simulations,  then manipulate the mixing console to create multi tracked electronic outputs.  All very fascinating for a classically trained pianist!

I called it "Earth Album" because the six pieces were all inspired by the recent trip to Malaysia. In particular, it reflected  the recent observations of the contrasts between the human and natural elements that intersect and conflict with each other. Experiencing the various aspects of city life in Kuala Lumpur was at odds with our journey through the country areas and our stay at the Taman Negara National Park.  With activities early morning, late afternoon and evening we enjoyed the sights, sounds, aromas and often stifling humidity  that etches our memories of Malaysia.


Not being natural early risers we took ourselves out of character at  times to experience the sun rising across unfamiliar landscapes.   This piece evokes the mystery of what the day may bring as well as the tranquility and glory of the awakening landscape.  Against a constant almost twittering background, a single theme grows,unfolds and ebbs in a series of changing textures.    


After the tranquility of the dawn, the day starts to unfold and the blood flows faster.  The underlying piano ostinato vamping theme  has at least some sense of increasing urgency although the clarinet melodies and the organ commentary are still quite relaxed. 

Seize the Day

Ok, its really time to get moving.  The piano is now much more insistent.   The oboe theme is very jaunty and ready for action. Answered by the flute, the instruments move into a canonical conversation and cross over each other as a body of strings joins in the fun. The piano asserts itself again in several  key changes and the instrumental chatter continues with further urgency.  The clarinet has the last word. 

City Life

Hustle and bustle.  Nothing tranquil here.  Various odd splutters and outbursts reflect a day in the life in an Asian city.  This piece vainly tries to place order within disorder.   That's life!

Taman Negara

Here's the full bottle - a total soundscape. My reflection of the awe inspiring grandeur of life in a Malaysian jungle.  However, I didn't compose any of the themes, rhythms or sound elements of this piece.   I used nothing but Garageband loops to craft the result. I did use a lot of the mixing tools to sequence and  layer everything and orchestrate the effects.  This was my Garageband Project Number 1 - I think the result is authentic though.

The big orchestral opening connecting to the string quartet closing phrase punctuates the soundscape three times - it highlights the contrast between the grand gestures made by humans versus the extraordinary offerings that nature can bring without pretence or self importance.  


It's the end of the day.  We have experienced so many sensations today.  It's time to relax, rest and contemplate what tomorrow may bring.   

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